neo4jmapper src/neo4jrestful.js






    var Neo4jRestful = function Neo4jRestful(url, options) {
        var self = this;
        var urlPattern = /^(http(s)*)\:\/\/((.+?)\:(.+?)\@)*(.+?)(\:([0-9]+)?)\/(.+)*$/i;
        var urlMatches = null;
        if (typeof url === 'undefined') {
          // use global
          url = urlOrOptions;
        if (typeof options !== 'object') {
          options = (typeof url === 'object') ? url : {};
        if (typeof url === 'string') {
          options.url = url;
        if (typeof options.url === 'string') {
          // check url
          // ensure one trailing slash
          options.url = options.url.replace(/\


      /, '/');
      // stop here if we don't have a valid url
      if (!urlPattern.test(options.url)) {
      var message = "Your URL ("+url+") needs to match the default url pattern 'http(s)://(username:password@)domain(:port)/(endpoint)…'";
      throw Error(message);
      // extract all parts from the given url
      // TODO: use extractet Options
      urlMatches = options.url.match(urlPattern);
      this.urlOptions = _.defaults({
      'protocol': urlMatches[1],
      'user': urlMatches[4],
      'password': urlMatches[5],
      'domain': urlMatches[6],
      'port': urlMatches[8],
      'endpoint': urlMatches[9]
      }, this.urlOptions);
      if (this.urlOptions.endpoint) {
      // strip preceding slash(es)
      this.urlOptions.endpoint = this.urlOptions.endpoint.replace(/^\/+/, '');
      } else {
      throw Error('No url found. Argument must be either an URL as string or an option object including an .url property.');

      // we may have an error handler in options, if so, assign it to this object
      if (typeof options.onConnectionError === 'function') {
        this.onConnectionError = options.onConnectionError;
      // copy header
      self.header = _.extend({}, Neo4jRestful.prototype.header);
      if (!__established_connection__[this.absoluteUrl('/')])


      Neo4jRestful.RequestDebug = RequestDebug;
      Neo4jRestful.CustomError = CustomError;

      Neo4jRestful.prototype.options = null;
      // template for the header of each request to neo4j
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.header = {
      'Accept': 'application/json',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.timeout = 5000;
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.exact_version = null;
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.version = null;
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.ignoreExceptionPattern = /^(Node|Relationship)NotFoundException$/; // in some case we will ignore exceptions from neo4j, e.g. not found
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.urlOptions = {
      protocol: 'http',
      domain: 'localhost',
      port: 7474,
      user: '',
      password: '',
      endpoint: 'db/data/'

      // is used for measurement of request-to-respond
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.request_on = null;
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.response_on = null;
      // contains data of the response
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.response = null;
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.columns = null;
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.detectTypesOnColumns = false; // n AS (Node), labels(n) AS (, r AS [Relationship]
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.debug = null;

      Neo4jRestful.prototype.query = function(cypher, options, cb) {
      var args;
      ( ( args = helpers.sortOptionsAndCallbackArguments(options, cb) ) && ( options = args.options ) && ( cb = args.callback ) );
      if (typeof cypher !== 'string') {
      throw Error('cypher argument has to be a string');
      } else {
      this.log('info', 'cypher:', cypher.trim().replace(/\s+/g,' '));'/'+this.urlOptions.endpoint+'cypher',{
      data: {
      query: cypher,
      params: options.params || {}
      }, function(err, result, debug){
      return cb(err, result, debug);

      Neo4jRestful.prototype.statement = function() {
      throw Error('Not implemented, yet');

      Neo4jRestful.prototype.checkAvailability = function(cb) {
      var self = this;
      method: 'GET',
      url: self.absoluteUrl('/'),
      timeout: self.timeout
      }, function(err, res) {
      var body = (res) ? res.body : null;
      if ((typeof res !== 'undefined') && (res.status === 200)&&(body)&&(body.neo4jversion)) {
      self.exactversion = body.neo4jversion;
      self.version = Number(self.exact_version.replace(/^([0-9]+.[0-9])(.*)$/, '$1'));
      var error = (self.version < 2) ? Error('Neo4jMapper is not build+tested for neo4j version below v2') : null;
      [self.absoluteUrl('/')] = true;
      if (typeof cb === 'function')
      cb(error, body.neo4j_version);
      } else {
      [self.absoluteUrl('/')] = false;
      self.onConnectionError(Error("Can't detect neo4j… Sure neo4j service is available on "+self.absoluteUrl('/')+"? "+((err) ? '('+err.message+')' : '')), self);
      return this;

      Neo4jRestful.prototype.absoluteUrl = function(url) {
      if (typeof url !== 'string')
      url = '';
      if (!url)
      url = this.url || '/';
      if (url) {
      var baseUrl = this._connectionString();
      // strip redundant endpoints if they exists
      return baseUrl + url.replace(/^\/+/, '').replace(new RegExp('^'+this.urlOptions.endpoint.split('/').join('\/')+'*'), '');

      Neo4jRestful.prototype._connectionString = function() {
      return this.urlOptions.protocol + '://'

        + String(((this.urlOptions.user)&&(this.urlOptions.password)) ? this.urlOptions.user + ':' + this.urlOptions.password+'@' : '' )
        + this.urlOptions.domain
        + ':' + this.urlOptions.port
        + '/' + this.urlOptions.endpoint;


      Neo4jRestful.prototype.request = function(url, options, cb) {
      var debug = null; // debug object
      if (typeof options === 'undefined')
      options = {};

      // apply default options
      _.defaults(options, {
        method: 'GET',
        data: null,
        debug: false,
        // use copy of header, not reference
        header: _.extend({},this.header)
      if (typeof url !== 'string') {
        throw Error("First argument 'url' hast to be a string");
      this.url = options.url = url;
      this.header = options.header;
      var requestedUrl = this.absoluteUrl();
      var data =;
      if ( (typeof data === 'object') && (data !== null) )
       data = JSON.stringify(;
      // create debug object
      this._debug_ = new RequestDebug({
        options: options,
        requested_url: requestedUrl,
        method: options.method,
        data: data,
        header: this.header,
        res: null,
        status: null,
        err: null
      // options for makeRequest()
      var _options_ = {
        requestedUrl: requestedUrl,
        method: options.method,
        data: data,
        options: options,
        debug: debug,
        url: url
      return this._makeRequest(_options_, cb);


      Neo4jRestful.prototype.makeRequest = function(_options, cb) {
      var self = this;
      // apply default options on options
      .defaults(_options, {
      cache: false,
      timeout: this.timeout,
      loadNode: true // enables the load hooks

      // create final options object from _options_.options
      var options = _options_.options;
      options.absolute_url = _options_.requestedUrl;
      options.url = _options_.url;
      options.method = _options_.method; =;
      this.log('**debug**', 'URI:', options.method+":"+options.url+" ("+options.absolute_url+")");
      this.log('**debug**', 'sendedData:',;
      this.log('**debug**', 'sendedHeader:', self.header);
      this._request_on_ = new Date().getTime();
      var requestOptions = {
        method: options.method,
        url: options.absolute_url,
        header: self.header
      if ( =;
      // stream
      if (this.header['X-Stream'] === 'true') {
        var stream = JSONStream.parse([/^columns|data$/, true]);
        var isDataColumn = false;
        self._columns_ = [];
        stream.on('data', function(data) {
          // detect column and data array
          // { columns: [ '1', … , 'n' ], data: [ [ … ] ] }
          if (isDataColumn) {
            return cb(data);
          } else if (data) {
            if (data.constructor === Array) {
              isDataColumn = true;
              return cb(data);
            } else {
        stream.on('end', function() {
          // prevent to pass undefined, but maybe an undefined is more clear
          cb(null, null);
        stream.on('root', function(root, count) {
          self._response_on_ = new Date().getTime();
          // remove x-stream from header
          delete self.header['X-Stream'];
          if (!count) {
            cb(null, Error('No matches in stream found ('+ root +')'), self._de);
      = stream;
      // now finally send the request
      this._sendHttpRequest(requestOptions, function(err, res) {
        self._response_ = res;
        self._response_on_ = new Date().getTime();
        self._debug_.responseTime = self.responseTime();
        if (err) {
          self.onError(cb, err, 'error', options);
        } else {
          // we might have a reponse with a failure status code
          if (res.status >= 400) {
            self.onError(cb, res.body, 'error', options);
          } else {
            if (res.body)
              self._columns_ = res.body.columns || null;
            self.onSuccess(cb, res.body, 'success', options);


      // ### Wrapper for superagent and request
      // Private method, can be indirectly 'accessed' via neo4jrestful.get|post|delete|put or neo4jrestfule.request
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.sendHttpRequest = function(options, cb) { .defaults(options, {
      header: {},
      data: null,
      method: 'GET',
      timeout: null,
      stream: false
      var isBrowser = Boolean(typeof window === 'object');
      if (typeof cb !== 'function')
      throw Error('Callback as 2nd argument is mandatory');
      if ((typeof options !== 'object')||(!options.url))
      cb(Error("Set { url: '…' } as argument"));
      if (isBrowser) {
      // ### superagent for browserside usage
      var req = window.superagent(options.method, options.url).set(options.header);
      if (
      if ( {
      return req.pipe(;
      } else {
      return req.end(function(err, res) {
      // compatibility of superagent to response api
      if (typeof res === 'object') {
      res.statusCode = res.status;
      return cb(err, res);

      } else {
        // ### request module for nodejs
        var req = request;
        options.json = true;
        if ( {
          if (typeof === 'string')
            options.body =;
            options.json =;
        if ( {
          return req(options).pipe(;
        } else {
          return req(options, function(err, res) {
            // compatibility of response to superagent api
            if (typeof res === 'object') {
              res.status = res.statusCode;
            return cb(err, res);


      Neo4jRestful.prototype.onProcess = function(res, cb, debug) {
      if (!res) {
      // return here if no response is present
      return cb(null, res, debug);
      } else if (.isArray(res)) {
      for (var i=0; i < res.length; i++) {
      res[i] = this.createObjectFromResponseData(res[i]);
      } else if ( ( && (
      .isArray( ) {
      // iterate throught rows + columns
      // an try to detect Node, Relationships + Path objects
      for (var row=0; row <; row++) {
      for (var column=0; column <[row].length; column++) {[row][column] = this.createObjectFromResponseData([row][column]);

      } else if (_.isObject(res)) {
        res = this.createObjectFromResponseData(res);
      cb(null, res, debug);


      Neo4jRestful.prototype.onProcessStream = function(res, cb, debug) {
      if (res) {
      for (var column=0; column < res.length; column++) {
      res[column] = this.createObjectFromResponseData(res[column]);
      cb(null, res, debug);

      Neo4jRestful.prototype.onSuccess = function(cb, res, status) {

      this._debug_.res = res;
      this._debug_.status = status;
      if (status === 'success') {
        if (typeof this.onProcess === 'function')
          return this.onProcess(res, cb, this._debug_);
          return cb(null, res, this._debug_);
      } else {
        cb(res, status, this._debug_);


      Neo4jRestful.prototype.onError = function(cb, responseError, res, options) {
      // in some (rare) case, we get an empty {} as error
      if ( (responseError) && (typeof responseError === 'object') && (Object.keys(responseError).length === 0) ) {
      return cb(null, res.body || null, this.debug);
      var err = responseError;
      var self = this;
      var statusCode = (this.response) ? this.response.status : null;
      var error = ( err && err.responseText ) ? Error(err.responseText) : err;
      if (!error) {
      // TODO: code with description
      var errDescription = 'Response Error ('+this.response.status+')';
      error = new ResponseError(errDescription, this.response.status);

      this._debug_.res = res;
      this._debug_.err = err;
      this._debug_.error = error;
      try {
        // jquery is an optional feature since superagent
        if (jQuery) {
          // try to extract the first <p> or <pre> from html body, else return error object for better debugging
          if (jQuery(err.responseText).find('body pre:first, body p:first')[0])
            err.responseText = jQuery(err.responseText).find('body pre:first, body p:first').first().text().trim().replace(/(\s|\n)+/g,' ');
          else if (jQuery(err.responseText).text()) {
            err.responseText = jQuery(err.responseText).text().trim();
        } else {
          // remove all tags to get plain message
          // TODO: find a real jQuery replacement
          err.responseText = err.responseText.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,'').trim();
      } catch(e) {
        // ignore exception
      // try to create a valuable error object from response
      if ((err)&&(err.responseText)&&(typeof err.responseText === 'string')) {
        try {
          var err = JSON.parse(err.responseText);
          var ErrorHandler = (/^(\/)*db\/data(\/)*$/.test(options.url)) ? CypherQueryError : QueryError;
          err = new ErrorHandler(err.message, {
            stacktrace: err.stacktrace,
            exception: err.exception,
            statusCode: statusCode,
            url: options.url,
            method: options.method,
            data: data
        } catch (e) {
          self.log('**debug** Could not create/parse a valuable error object', e);
      if ( (err) && (err.exception) && (self.ignoreExceptionPattern) && (self.ignoreExceptionPattern.test(err.exception)) ) {
        // we ignore by default notfound exceptions, because they are no "syntactical" errors
        return cb(null, null, this._debug_);
      } else {
        return cb(err || error, null, this._debug_);

      } = function(cypher, options, cb) {
      var args;
      ( ( args = helpers.sortOptionsAndCallbackArguments(options, cb) ) && ( options = args.options ) && ( cb = args.callback ) );
      this.header['X-Stream'] = 'true';
      var self = this;
      var todo = 0;
      var done = 0;

      if (typeof cypher !== 'string')
        throw Error('cypher argument has to be a string');
      return this.query(cypher, options, function(data) {
        if (data) {
          if (typeof self.onProcessStream === 'function') {
            self.onProcessStream(data, function(err, data) {
              if ( (data) && (data.length === 1) )
                data = data[0];
              if (done >= todo) {
                // done
                cb(data, self);
                return cb(null, self, self._debug_);
              } else {
                return cb(data, self, self._debug_);
          } else {
            return cb(data, self, self._debug_);
        } else {
          return cb(null, self, self._debug_);


      Neo4jRestful.prototype.get = function(url, options, cb) {
      var args;
      ( ( args = helpers.sortOptionsAndCallbackArguments(options, cb) ) && ( options = args.options ) && ( cb = args.callback ) && ( options.method = 'GET' ) );
      return this.request(url, options, cb);
      } = function(url, options, cb) {
      var args;
      ( ( args = helpers.sortOptionsAndCallbackArguments(options, cb) ) && ( options = args.options ) && ( cb = args.callback ) && ( options.method = 'POST' ) );
      return this.request(url, options, cb);
      Neo4jRestful.prototype.put = function(url, options, cb) {
      var args;
      ( ( args = helpers.sortOptionsAndCallbackArguments(options, cb) ) && ( options = args.options ) && ( cb = args.callback ) && ( options.method = 'PUT' ) );
      return this.request(url, options, cb);

      Neo4jRestful.prototype.delete = function(url, options, cb) {
      var args;
      ( ( args = helpers.sortOptionsAndCallbackArguments(options, cb) ) && ( options = args.options ) && ( cb = args.callback ) && ( options.method = 'DELETE' ) );
      return this.request(url, options, cb);

      Neo4jRestful.prototype.log = function(){ /* > /dev/null


        Neo4jRestful.prototype.createObjectFromResponseData = function(responseData, Class) {
          if ((responseData === null) || (responseData === ''))
            return null;
          var uri = (responseData) ? responseData.self : null;
          var Node = Neo4jRestful.Node;
          var Relationship = Neo4jRestful.Relationship;
          var Path = Neo4jRestful.Path;
          if (typeof Class !== 'function')
            Class = Node;
          if (uri) {
            if (/\/db\/data\/node\/[0-9]+\


        /.test(uri)) {
        // we have a node or an inheriated class
        var n = new Class();
        n = n.populateWithDataFromResponse(responseData);
        return n;
        } else if (/\/db\/data\/relationship\/[0-9]+\/*$/.test(uri)) {
        // we have a relationship
        var r = new Relationship();
        r = r.populateWithDataFromResponse(responseData);
        return r;
        else {
        if ((.isNumber(responseData.length))&&(.isString(responseData.start))) {
        // we have a path
        var p = new Path();
        p = p.populateWithDataFromResponse(responseData);
        return p;
        return responseData;

        Neo4jRestful.prototype.responseTime = function() {
        if ((this.request_on > 0) && (this.response_on > 0)) {
        return this.response_on - this.request_on;
        } else {
        return null;

        Neo4jRestful.prototype.responseTimeAsString = function() {
        var time = this.responseTime();
        if (time) {
        return Math.floor(time/10)/100 + '[s]';
        } else {
        return '';

        Neo4jRestful.prototype.onConnectionError = function(/* err, self


            // overwrite with your own function to decide what to do if no connection can be established




            Neo4jRestful.prototype.singleton = function() {
              // creates a new instanced copy of this client
              return new Neo4jRestful(this._connectionString());
            Neo4jRestful.create = function(url, options) {
              return new Neo4jRestful(url, options);
            if (typeof window === 'object')
              window.Neo4jRestful = Neo4jRestful;
            return Neo4jRestful;
          if (typeof window !== 'object') {
            // nodejs
            module.exports = exports = {
              init: __initNeo4jRestful__
          } else {
            window.Neo4jMapper.initNeo4jRestful = __initNeo4jRestful__;