- make query mapper from Node available for relationships as well
- make relationships queryable with custom queries
var __initRelationship__ = function(neo4jrestful, Graph, Node) {
if (typeof window === 'object') {
var helpers = window.Neo4jMapper.helpers;
var _ = window._;
} else {
var helpers = require('./helpers');
var _ = require('underscore');
// Constructor of Relationship
var Relationship = function Relationship(type, data, start, end, id, cb) {
this.type = this._type_ = type || null;
this.from = {
id: null,
uri: null
this.to = {
id: null,
uri: null
this.data = data || {};
var startID = null;
var endID = null;
if (start)
if (Number(start.id))
startID = Number(start.id);
else if (Number(start))
startID = Number(start);
else if (start)
// we assume we have a url here
this.setPointIdByUri('from', start);
if (startID)
this.setPointUriById('from', startID);
if (end)
if (Number(end.id))
endID = Number(end.id);
else if (Number(end))
endID = Number(end);
else if (end)
// we assume we have a url here
this.setPointIdByUri('to', end);
if (endID)
this.setPointUriById('to', endID);
this.fields = _.extend({},{
defaults: _.extend({}, this.fields.defaults),
indexes: _.extend({}, this.fields.indexes) // TODO: implement
this._is_instanced_ = true;
if (typeof id === 'number') {
this.id = this._id_ = id;
} else {
cb = id;
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
return this.save(cb);
Relationship.prototype.classification = 'Relationship'; // only needed for toObject()
Relationship.prototype.data = {};
Relationship.prototype.start = null;
Relationship.prototype.type = null;
Relationship.prototype._type_ = null; // like `_id_` to keep a reference to the legacy type
Relationship.prototype.end = null;
Relationship.prototype.from = null;
Relationship.prototype.to = null;
Relationship.prototype.id = null;
Relationship.prototype._id_ = null;
Relationship.prototype._hashedData_ = null;
Relationship.prototype.uri = null;
Relationship.prototype._response_ = null;
Relationship.prototype._is_singleton_ = false;
Relationship.prototype._is_persisted_ = false;
Relationship.prototype.cypher = null;
Relationship.prototype._is_instanced_ = null;
Relationship.prototype.fields = {
defaults: {},
indexes: {}
// should **never** be changed
Relationship.prototype.__TYPE__ = 'relationship';
Relationship.prototype.__TYPE_IDENTIFIER__ = 'r';
Relationship.prototype.singleton = function(id) {
var relationship = new Relationship();
if (typeof id === 'number') {
this.id = this._id_ = id;
relationship._is_singleton_ = true;
// relationship.resetQuery();
return relationship;
Relationship.singleton = function(id) {
return this.prototype.singleton(id);
Relationship.prototype.setPointUriById = function(startOrEnd, id) {
if (typeof startOrEnd !== 'string')
startOrEnd = 'from';
if ((startOrEnd !== 'from')&&(startOrEnd !== 'to'))
throw Error("You have to set startOrEnd argument to 'from' or 'to'");
if (_.isNumber(id)) {
this[startOrEnd].uri = neo4jrestful.absoluteUrl('/relationship/'+id);
this[startOrEnd].id = id;
return this;
Relationship.prototype.setPointIdByUri = function(startOrEnd, uri) {
if (typeof startOrEnd !== 'string')
startOrEnd = 'from';
if ((startOrEnd !== 'from')&&(startOrEnd !== 'to'))
throw Error("You have to set startOrEnd argument to 'from' or 'to'");
if (uri.match(/[0-9]+$/)) {
this[startOrEnd].uri = uri;
this[startOrEnd].id = Number(uri.match(/[0-9]+$/)[0]);
Relationship.prototype.applyDefaultValues = null; // will be initialized
Relationship.prototype.findById = function(id, cb) {
var self = this;
if ( (_.isNumber(Number(id))) && (typeof cb === 'function') ) {
// to reduce calls we'll make a specific restful request for one node
return Graph.request().get(this.__TYPE__+'/'+id, function(err, object) {
if ((object) && (typeof self.load === 'function')) {
// && (typeof node.load === 'function')
} else {
cb(err, object);
return this;
Relationship.prototype.save = function(cb) {
var self = this;
self.onBeforeSave(self, function(err) {
// don't execute if an error is passed through
if ((typeof err !== 'undefined')&&(err !== null))
cb(err, null);
self.onSave(function(err, relationship, debug) {
if (err)
return cb(err, relationship, debug);
return self.onAfterSave(self, cb, debug);
Relationship.prototype.onSave = function(cb) {
var self = this;
if (this._is_singleton_)
return cb(Error('Singleton instances can not be persisted'), null);
if (!this.hasValidData())
return cb(Error('relationship does not contain valid data. `'+this.__TYPE__+'.data` must be an object.'));
this.id = this._id_;
if (!this.type)
throw Error("Type for a relationship is mandatory, e.g. `relationship.type = 'KNOW'`");
if ((!(this.from))||(isNaN(this.from.id)))
throw Error('Relationship requires a `relationship.from` startnode');
if ((!(this.to))||(isNaN(this.to.id)))
throw Error('Relationship requires a `relationship.to` endnode');
if (this.hasId()) {
if ((this._type_) && (this.type !== this._type_)) {
// type has changed
// since we can't update a relationship type (only properties)
// we have to create a new relationship and delete the "old" one
return Relationship.create(this.type, this.data, this.start, this.end, function(err, relationship, debug) {
if (err) {
return cb(err, relationship, debug);
} else {
self.remove(function(err, res, debugDelete) {
if (err) {
return cb(err, res, debugDelete);
} else {
return cb(null, self, debug);
// UPDATE properties
// url = 'relationship/'+this._id_+'/properties';
.start('r = relationship({id})', {
id: Number(this.id),
.setWith( { r: this.dataForCypher() } )
} else {
.start('n = node({from}), m = node({to})', {
from: Number(this.from.id),
to: Number(this.to.id),
.create([ '(n)-[r: '+helpers.escapeProperty(this.type), this.dataForCypher(), ']->(m)'])
.exec(function(err, relationship, debug) {
if ((err) || (!relationship))
return cb(err, relationship, debug);
else {
return cb(null, self, debug);
Relationship.prototype.update = function(data, cb) {
if (helpers.isObjectLiteral(data)) {
this.data = _.extend(this.data, data);
data = this.flattenData();
} else {
cb = data;
return this.save(cb);
Relationship.prototype.populateWithDataFromResponse = function(data, create) {
create = (typeof create !== 'undefined') ? create : false;
// if we are working on the prototype object
// we won't mutate it and create a new relationship instance insetad
var relationship = (this._is_instanced_ !== null) ? this : new Relationship();
if (create)
relationship = new Relationship();
if (data) {
if (_.isObject(data) && (!_.isArray(data)))
relationship._response_ = data;
relationship._response_ = data[0];
relationship.data = relationship._response_.data;
relationship.data = helpers.unflattenObject(this.data);
relationship.uri = relationship._response_.self;
relationship.type = relationship._type_ = relationship._response_.type;
if ((relationship._response_.self) && (relationship._response_.self.match(/[0-9]+$/))) {
relationship.id = relationship._id_ = Number(relationship._response_.self.match(/[0-9]+$/)[0]);
if ((relationship._response_.start) && (relationship._response_.start.match(/[0-9]+$/))) {
relationship.from.uri = relationship.start = relationship._response_.start;
relationship.setPointIdByUri('from', relationship._response_.start);
if ((relationship._response_.end) && (relationship._response_.end.match(/[0-9]+$/))) {
relationship.to.uri = relationship.end = relationship._response_.end;
relationship.setPointIdByUri('to', relationship._response_.end);
relationship._is_persisted_ = true;
return relationship;
Relationship.prototype.remove = function(cb) {
if (this._is_singleton_)
return cb(Error("To delete results of a query use delete(). remove() is for removing a relationship."),null);
if (this.hasId()) {
return Graph.request().delete('relationship/'+this.id, cb);
return this;
Relationship.prototype.loadFromAndToNodes = function(cb) {
var self = this;
var attributes = ['from', 'to'];
var done = 0;
var errors = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
Node.findById(self[point].id,function(err,node) {
self[point] = node;
if (err)
if (done === 2) {
cb((errors.length === 0) ? null : errors, self);
Relationship.prototype.load = function(cb) {
var self = this;
this._onBeforeLoad(self, function(err, relationship){
if (err)
cb(err, relationship);
self._onAfterLoad(relationship, cb);
Relationship.prototype._onBeforeLoad = function(relationship, next) {
return this.onBeforeLoad(relationship, function(err, relationship) {
if (relationship.hasId()) {
relationship.loadFromAndToNodes(function(err, relationship){
next(err, relationship);
} else {
next(null, relationship);
Relationship.prototype.onBeforeLoad = function(relationship, next) {
return next(null, relationship);
Relationship.prototype._onAfterLoad = function(relationship, next) {
return this.onAfterLoad(relationship, function(err, relationship) {
return next(null, relationship);
Relationship.prototype.onAfterLoad = function(relationship, next) {
return next(null, relationship);
Relationship.prototype.toQuery = function() {
if (this.hasId()) {
return Graph
.start('r = relationship('+this.id+')')
return Graph.start('r = relationship(*)').toQuery();
Relationship.prototype.toQueryString = Node.prototype.toQueryString;
Relationship.prototype.toCypherQuery = Node.prototype.toCypherQuery;
Relationship.prototype.toObject = function() {
var o = {
id: this.id,
classification: this.classification,
data: _.clone(this.data),
start: this.start,
end: this.end,
from: _.extend(this.from),
to: _.extend(this.to),
uri: this.uri,
type: this.type
if ( (o.from) && (typeof o.from.toObject === 'function') )
o.from = o.from.toObject();
if ( (o.to) && (typeof o.to.toObject === 'function') )
o.to = o.to.toObject();
return o;
Relationship.prototype._hashData_ = function() {
if (this.hasValidData())
return helpers.md5(JSON.stringify(this.toObject()));
return null;
Relationship.prototype.onBeforeSave = function(node, next) {
next(null, null);
Relationship.prototype.onAfterSave = function(relationship, next, debug) {
return next(null, relationship, debug);
Relationship.prototype.resetQuery = function() {
this.cypher = new helpers.CypherQuery();
return this;
Relationship.prototype._load_hook_reference_ = null;